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Old 8th November 2022, 12:17     #1836
A woman for 3 days drifts between absolute sharp primal focus, and exhaustion. She discovers a mode of being and a realm she never knew existed, she and her partner don't even recognise her. There's no denying it, she is awesome. Possessed and awesome!

She is connected to her beautiful baby, she's going to love it for the rest of her life. This pain, and all future pain is worth it because of the unending, unconditional love. Even though she's in incredible pain, she jokes with her baby "Oh you're already being stubborn like your father!"

It starts here.
Her family & future generations, this is for you.
Her ancestors & every other mother in all of earthly human history, she is honoured and humbled to walk the same path.
Nothing else matters
This is life in it's purest essence
One more big puuuuuuuush
The room fills with this tiny, feeble indignant cry.

"Congratulations, birthing person. It's a humanoid! Would parent #2 like to cut the umbilicle?"
but what would I know?
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