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Old 4th January 2020, 08:21     #264
Originally Posted by Ab
Yes but that’s a matter of semantics. Scientifically “woman” means “adult human female”. Politically “woman” is a matter of feelings, which admits of a multiplicity of interpretations.
Political feelings-based definitions come and go. Scientific definitions are those which are true regardless of how you feel about them. We are of course meat, but you know, baby steps.
Yes, a strict gamete-based definition is neat and tidy and people who think that's important will value this categorisation method. Through acknowledging gender we get to incorporate the innate sense of being and lived experience of being woman or man. Some people will value this method.
I wonder what’s going to happen when science eventually gets us to a stage where people can have a treatment to change whether they produce either the big gametes or the little gametes? Will these people who already feel like they’re a man or woman suddenly become what they already know they are? Or will the goal posts change?
Protecting your peace is way more important than proving your point. Some people aren't open to cultivating their views. Just let them be wrong.
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