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Old 24th April 2018, 01:56     #42
Well, it's those who claim to represent the US as a nation and international super power with energy and resource interests throughout the world. By that, I mean the US citizens didn't want a war with Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, or even the World Wars. I imagine US citizens are quite ignorant that these other nations even exist until they are told who the "Bad guys" are through their telescreen. Even then the named culprit is questionable (ie, Saudi Arabia brought low the World Trade Towers, but yet it sparked a war with Afghanistan and Iraq?).

In general, people want to feel useful, with a place to belong and prosper. War is a terrible way for the average person to prosper, except by its perks for industry back home. For the US, the loot is the military industrial complex + control of energy (oil) + control of world currency USD. In a way, the US government has done well by its citizens by its dealings in all wars since WW2. Military components are manufactured in every US city = jobs, by controlling the oil supply they can control the price, controlling trade of oil in USD means the US citizens can enjoy a strong currency. The problem is that this policy shits on everyone who isn't the US.

Oh, and also the US soldiers fighting all these wars are mercenaries. Do these wars ever have to involve the general public?

War has come to mean job security for many US citizens. The USD will only have value as long as oil is in high demand. The middle east is rich with oil and natural gas. The end of war will mean world-wide economic collapse.

Eisenhower Farewell Address (warnings regarding Military Industrial Complex)
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