Thread: TPPA signed
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Old 5th February 2016, 14:13     #21
A mariachi ogre snorkel
Don't get me wrong, there are bits about the TPPA that are tailor-made to give me the shits, given that I sperg out on issues of privacy, intellectual property, copyright terms, that sort of stuff. But I think the long-term benefits of gaining all those new trading partners outweigh my sperg concerns. And I think the potential negative outcomes of NOT being in those relationships are quite significant.

One thing I've noticed about the TPPA arguments is that what used to be quite specific objections have slowly been eliminated and we're left with vague waffle. There were objections about Pharmac and drugs and intellectual property in recorded arts and dairy subsidies for exporters, specific stuff. Things you could actually discuss. Now it's just "TPPA gives away our sovereignty!" and "TPPA ends democracy!"

I mean fuck, how do you argue with shit like that?
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