Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 26th February 2020, 12:53     #41
I think a major cultural shift as a result of this virus will be protecting oneself against such viruses (like influenza and the cold) will become normalised.

Right now, despite the volume of deaths influenza causes each yeah, we don't make any particular effort to protect the population from it. No one is being checked for elevated temperatures before starting their shift preparing the food you eat, right? There's no particular legislation ensuring potentially contagious people stay away from shared offices. Right now we tolerate sickness, mainly because we're bullies and expect people to work when sick, because it's inconvenient otherwise, with the people who die as a consequence normalised.

Of course, there are many responses to death from absolute concern to absolute disinterest. Maybe we develop a kind of Logan's Run mentality, where these viruses keep in check the burdens of ageing populations?
Stay shook. No sook.
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