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Old 3rd February 2019, 20:28     #57
Originally Posted by Ab
Person A in conversation: "I dunno why all my kids' teachers are female, I guess men and women just choose different careers."

Person B overhearing: That person just said something that I disagree with. My disagreement makes me feel bad. Me feeling bad means that I have experienced psychological violence. The statement that I disagree with was a statement involving gender, therefore I have experienced gendered violence. Gendered violence is the same as sexual assault, therefore I am the victim of sexual assault in the workplace.

(complains to HR)

(Person A gets fired, gets arrested)

(Workplace sexual assault stats get one more data point)
That's a huge stretch. Maybe if they were in a position of power and sent out a 10 page memo claiming the “fact” that men are predisposed to being worse at being teachers than females.
Protecting your peace is way more important than proving your point. Some people aren't open to cultivating their views. Just let them be wrong.
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