Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 16th February 2020, 13:51     #10
CDC confirms the virus will outbreak in US, will likely last beyond Winter, and may last until 2021:
- (remember to worry more about the flu)

Just look at how blasé these countries and companies are because they know this is less severe than the flu:
- China (blockades, unprecedented quarantine measures),
- Singapore (national work from home mandate),
- Hong Kong (built world's biggest quarantine centre),
- British Airways (cancelled all flights to China),
- Microsoft Apple Samsung et al (cancelled Mobile World Conference),
- Hyunda (halts car production due to lack of parts)

The economy and the market seems to keep going up despite widespread global reduction of economic activity. Curious. Maybe the markets are a complete fraudulent fabrication after all. Thanks Obama (QE)

Australia is definitely lying about the number of infected.. Australia total infected still sits at 15, but I know for a fact a new case has been added less than 100km from where I am, Yarrawonga:

Catching covid19 doesn't give you immunity to reinfection, and reinfection may be worse than the first time with overactive immune reaction, cytokine storms, et al:

Time to stock up on hand sanitizer, surface cleaners, face masks. The news and government agencies (Singapore excluded where they advised mild cases to self medicate at home, and spare the hospital capacity for the severe cases) will never tell you to make your own arrangements. To do so is the same as telling everyone to panic. They will tell you how great the medical services and facilities are, and that they can take care of the sick.

And act as though you may get the virus and need to self medicate at home:
- antiviral supplements
- electrolytes
- have meals ready to go in pantry and freezer
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