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Old 19th December 2021, 17:44     #1059
Dawkins has gone all colonial racism with his categorisation of all Maori knowledge as creation myths. Which he's already backtracked.

Creation myths can be taught primarily in social studies, Maori history in history and Maori science in science.

So…. in 1500BC, while ancient Europeans were still dipping their toes in the duck pond of the Mediterranean, and some 3000 years before they even knew of our existence, Māori ancestors were somehow navigating, mapping, and observing the largest water body on earth…. without science.

They somehow managed to develop their own medical disciplines, their own aquacultural and horticultural technological innovations, their own calendrical systems and incredibly sophisticated celestial tracking systems…. without science.
Protecting your peace is way more important than proving your point. Some people aren't open to cultivating their views. Just let them be wrong.
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