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Old 22nd February 2019, 09:24     #94
Why Jordan Peterson is a sign of our very scary times

See, the last part of Peterson's appeal is his ability to play upon men's sense of victimisation. One of his favourite lines is that men have never been an advantaged group in society. In fact, he says, they're actively disadvantaged today.

This is catnip to the Middle-Aged and Enraged Brigade, led by supreme snowflake Piers Morgan, who jump at the chance to retweet "proof" that men are under attack. And also to the much more sinister "manosphere", which is a nasty, murky internet subculture based loosely on the belief that modern society favours women and oppresses men.

And boy do they love Peterson. Have you ever wondered why all of his 1.5m-view lecture videos are titled by what sounds like a douchey 19-year-old ("Jordan Peterson explains why nice guys finish last!!!" or "Jordan Peterson destroys feminists")? It's because these videos are enthusiastically posted by the soft manosphere, who love to use Peterson as the heavyweight "proof" they need that men really are victimised.
Get em
Protecting your peace is way more important than proving your point. Some people aren't open to cultivating their views. Just let them be wrong.
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