Thread: List Ya skills
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Old 17th October 2003, 12:15     #17
This thread has made me think about how much I know. I am finishing a BSc. in computer science this year (had my last lecture this morning even, only 4 exams to go now..) and I really have no idea how good at programming I am or how confident at it I am. The only experience I have had in IT is as a network/systems administrator (mostly win2k + a bit of linux...) in a job i've had this year since feb. I get reasonable marks at uni (A- average).

However, reading the lists here makes me feel like I know hardly anything. Did anyone else finishing a degree feel like this?

My list:

languages im really confident in:

- java

others im not so confident in:

- c
- css/html
- a bit of SQL + relational db stuff
- linux
- networking, addressing, routing, analysis & design, unix services
- win2k systems/networking admin stuff
- LaTeX

(by not so confident in, I mean I have only had to do a few things in each for assignments and the like. Everything i've done in them has worked, I just haven't got much experience)

Last edited by Dan : 17th October 2003 at 12:23.