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Old 1st March 2018, 17:08     #41
A mariachi ogre snorkel
Disagree. The issue here is not one of ideas, or openness, or advertising budgets. It's a simple "competition for a resource" issue in the era of capitalism, no different from oildrilling or fishing.

The resource is human attention. The resource is limited by each human's waking hours*. Companies trying to capture that resource are competing with each other. And it's zero-sum competition - if Facebook has your attention, for as long as it has your attention Twitter does not have it. Or Snapchat. Or Netflix. If I win that means I am making you lose.

The companies measure their success by their stock values**, and that stock value is tied to performance. How are they measuring performance? Users and engagement. How many humans' attention do you have and how often do you have it. The more attention you get from more humans, the better your quarterly filings are, the better your stock price performs, the more money you have to chase the humans and the attention. Wheee, positive feedback loop.

And these companiesare now so rich they have essentially unlimited funding with which to pursue that attention.

Here's the fun bit: if you're in an unregulated crowded market trying to sell a consumable good, the first company to make its product legally addictive wins the game.

So you have a bunch of incredibly rich technology companies whose continued richness depends on them making the thing that captures the most human attention in such a way that humans are addicted to doing it. And their activities in pursuing this goal are essentially unregulated, thanks to the US DMCA (Google made sure that there was a "we can't be held responsible for the stuff our users post to our services" provision in that law to cover it from Youtube copyright suits. That provision means that the services have blanket cover from govt regulation because hey, we just aggregate the users' own content, right?)

Summary: anyone who plays in this game is fucked.

* hence why different tactics. Facebook: we want your waking hours. Netflix: we want to increase the number of waking hours you have.

** see:
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