Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 16th February 2020, 14:17     #14
We are in Summer, which is helping to kill viruses on surfaces. But we're entering Winter, and this COVID19 is estimated to last until 2021!

The reports seem to suggest healthy people can shrug it off. But those people may never suspect they have COVID19 and still turn up to school, work, etc.

Personally, over half the people I know have compromised health. I don't think I'm just using personal anecdotal evidence to presume that a large chunk of the population is compromised.

Also, in Australia you have a population that has been breathing in bushfire smoke since October / November. My mother and step mother refused to wear the P2 masks because they were "annoying". OK, boomer.

I know a woman who was on penicillin due to a lung infection from breathing in bushfire smoke, which recently gave her her first asthma attack of her life. Now she needs a ventiolin inhaler on her person. One example of a "healthy" person who now has damaged lungs.
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