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Old 6th October 2022, 00:40     #435
A snapshot, 2014:
Foreign Affairs' Gideon Rose discusses the origins and implications of the Ukraine rebellion. (USA vpn required)
"We need to steal Russia's girlfriend." (and remember when Colbert was funny!?)

Breaking: Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and Catherine Ashton discuss Ukraine over the phone
"They were the same snipers, killing people from both sides... new coalition does not want to investigate."

Nuland-Pyatt leaked phone conversation
"Yatz is the guy... fuck the EU."

Ukrainian General: "Ukraine is under Zionist occupation." / Генерал: "Украину оккупировали Сионисты"
"Initially it looked like 2 clans fighting...and now it's simply a direct Occupation of Ukraine by the US."

Oliver Stone's Revealing Ukraine
“Revealing Ukraine” by Igor Lopatonok continues investigations on of the ongoing Ukrainian crisis following “Ukraine on Fire”. In addition, it analyzes the current political backstage and its dangerous potential for the world.
but what would I know?
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