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Old 14th July 2022, 15:56     #1517
That's not that truth though. It's a great story, pulling together all these true things to create this less-than-true yet very compelling narrative.

The reality is that there are a great volume of people raped in Western communities, who are ignored, blamed even, maybe begrudgingly offered care. To facilitate any contradiction in beliefs we might encounter (e.g.: my community is safe) we come up with these cool stories about how if only this was slightly different or that was slightly different this subset of rapes wouldn't occur, so therefore it is this or that which is responsible (and certainly not the values I benefit from in our community, the target of blame conveniently aligning with certain agendas I might have, the rest of the rape going can be disregarded as it doesn't fit my story).
Stay shook. No sook.
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