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Old 22nd December 2003, 13:15     #103
Seen my keys.... no my post wasn't at you

Akane -

the problem is, they seized a car that I don't own. The car is under someone elses name, is that even possible? They decided to write that I have an expired rego as well (they probably throw away my new rego, and used my old ones to display since i stack the old ones behind the new one), added another $500 worth of fines just for the hell of it as well.

The question is, can I just go up to the courts and say "look, you got the wrong car, give it back"?

Seen my keys -

But if I was drifting or doing something stupid and got busted, I wouldnt be whining about it, I wouldnt have posted a thread about how hard done by I am on NZG

WTF shit are you on.... Akane asked a question and you cream your undies and post shit.

Seems the NZgames Zoo is run by lions Well I got the Mother fucken whip now biarch~

Last edited by pk3 : 22nd December 2003 at 13:17.