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Old 1st November 2003, 19:16     #91
Yeah.. that flat's seen some fucked up times =)

So far the award for the best attempt at fucking off the other flatmates goes to this one:

While flatting with Oddity and Daork, we met "Dan" who was right into what we liked - gaming.. raving.. etc. Really great guy to hang out with and had excellent times.

Poor Dan then got dicked about by his other flatmates, forcing a quick escape to the nearest couch available - ours. Now.. Dan didn't work. He just bludged off his parents and the government, so we knew it might take a few weeks to scrounge up the cash for a new place. But being a good mate, that was fine.

We saw a bit of money from him being there.. probably about $100. Which didn't really count for anything due to the amount of ciggies, food, etc. I bought him.

A few weeks later on, Daork decided to move out. We asked Dan if he'd like to take his spot and he agreed whole-heartedly. Unfortunately though, WINZ were dicking him around again (yeah.. right) and he couldn't pay any of the bond upfront. Although it seemed a bit odd, due to the time he'd spent at our place paying next to nothing and supposedly saving.. we didn't really give it another thought. It was agreed that I would pay his bond, Dan would pay rent and slowly pay me back.

We got the first rent payment and everything looked sweet. During that time Dan also got a girlfriend. And we found out he was eating all of our food, coke, etc. Things looked interesting with the girlfriend being there most of the time.

Rent payments stopped, excuses came flying. However, it appeared that he was actually looking for a job, so again - I let it slide. He's a good mate afterall.

Then it started going horribly wrong. The fucker ended up fucking in mine (primarily, probably more comfortable) and Oddity's beds! He was using a shitty camp stretcher as he couldn't afford a real bed.

Naturally, I was quite livid and lost the plot. Luckily his girlfriend was there or he would have been bleeding.

We didn't really talk for the next two weeks. But then we found out he was still fucking in our beds. Not only that, but bills arrived, rent was due and I was fed up.

He proceed to blow up Daork's speakers that Daork left behind by hooking them up to his amp with obviously a different resistance rating. Two weeks later, he did the same to mine.

This man betrayed a close friendship. Which took me a long time to realise as I just couldn't believe it. Still being relatively young (18) and chosing friends very carefully - I just simply couldn't believe a close friend could do this to someone by betraying their trust and then spiting them.

The morning finally came where I woke the son of a bitch up and dragged his lazy arse up. I laid into him about money and the general arse-fucking he'd given me and Oddity. He said he could pay me about $200 that day then another bit tomorrow. He owed a total of about $700. Not including the speakers which he'd blown up and the money he didn't pay while sleeping on the couch.

I asked him to leave that day. I came home to find the room empty, except for a Charlies Angels poster.

There were many other smaller, quite fucking horrible things he did during his time at our flat. I'd be going on for a long time if I were to put them all down. In regards to the money, I put it down to being a life lesson and the fact that I could now accurately have a meaning for a truely dispicable person. No offer of any money or apology has come since that day.

Scariest thing, however, is that this guy "Dan" is actually on these forums. Though he did take a break away from being online for quite a few months.

Last edited by sky_ : 1st November 2003 at 19:19.