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Old 31st October 2003, 21:09     #84
After reading those tales I feel comelled to offer up one of my own experiences with a bad flatmate. Its a bit of a long one, so go make a coffee

Back in 2000, we had a new flatmate move in at the height of the big winz/student allowance fuckup. The guy said he couldn't pay rent/bond straight away coz winz had fucked up his dole, which was understandable even without the big fuckup. Eight weeks went by, winz were still fucking up and he kept telling us that they were still fucking up.

By this time we were getting mighty suspicous of the guy, so we looked through the drawers in his computer desk (we were musing the lounge as a computer room) and found an assortment of bills - stuff like $1000 worth of cellphone calls, HP stuff he'd defaulted on etc, AND a lot of envelopes marked "CONFIDENTIAL" (baycorp). We also found papers relating to a few past landlords taking him to court over unpaid rent. 5 days to get the fuck out our flat, you cunt.

My gf told her dad what happened. He came up to chch, and arranged a meeting between the guy and his winz case manager to try and "sort out his dole payments". End result of that was a $600 loan (that they deduct from his dole payment at five bucks a week!) paid directly into out flat account just before he leaves. After he left a banks statement of his arrived and we found he'd been getting dole payments for the last two weeks he was there.

On its own, the winz thing wouldn't have been enough to make us suspicious at the time, but as well as not paying any bills he made a number of ludicrous claims. Ludicrous enough to make us slightly suspicious. "I'm 4th in line for the scottish throne", "I have a castle in scotland", "I'm a master hacker". One slightly geeky favourite of mine was "I wrote a firewall in Java" "Do you still have the runtime code?" "No, I deleted it". With Java, the runtime code is the program (or at least thats how I was taught in COSC121). The biggest one (in my books) was that he started a rumor amongst our wider social group that he was sleeping with my gf.

His bi-weekly showers were also a factor in his being kicked out.

Now, there was something of a happy ending to this whole saga. A month or two after he was gone, we decided that we'd likely never see a cent from him and decided to reduce his debt with harassment - drunken prank calls, putting his phone number up in known gay-guy-with-AIDS hangouts etc. The sweetest revenge, however, wasn't even our own doing. The guy had pissed off a few other people as well. One of these people, knowing that our ex-flatmate frequented dating sites and used ICQ/IRC to (try to) meet women. Assuming the identity of a random women, he talked to the guy on ICQ and eventually arranged to meet him for some "fun times" I could carry on, but I'd prefer to let my friend's webpage describe this event. Its pure class, go read it.