Thread: is it wrong?
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Old 17th December 2002, 21:52     #190
Homo Erectus
Hi guys. Here's the news for today: Breakfast. The families got up pretty early and we all had breakfast. The breakfast table is circular, and she was sitting across from me. About mid-way through my breakfast I felt something funny on my toes. She was rubbing my foot with her foot! Quite suggestively too I might add. The remaining 5 minutes of breakfast were very different than any remaining 5 minutes of breakfast I've ever had. Once breakfast was done the families were off to thier show. All of a sudden, it was me and her completely alone.

Ignoring the extremely high sexual tension, and her shy devilish smile. I got up (painfully) and suggested that we go watch the dvds. She agreed.

Now, the breakfast/dining room area that we were in is pretty much right in the middle of the house. There are two hallways that extend from it - one of the hallways leads to where the living room is; the other one leads to where my bedroom is. Both have dvd players.

I started walking towards the living room. She called out to me and said "i like your room... can we watch them there?". At this point I decided to myself that it was pretty certain she was keen.

As soon as we got to my room, she closed the room and jumped on my bed. I smiled at her and popped the 'Training day' dvd in. I jumped back into bed and the movie started. My head was rushing with thoughs and anticipation as to what would occur in the next hour.

I looked at her sexy body just lying there on my bed. My head was flooded with thoughts. "Are you crazy?!...", "Look at her! GO FOR IT!...", "Denzel Washington has aged well...". She had this funny little smile that looked like it was saying a hundred different things at once. I thought of the risks. Then I thought of the rewards.

I decided to test the waters. I moved my hand so that it was half-resting on her thigh, just above the hemline of her skirt so that I wasn't touching her skin. No response from her. I upped the ante and moved my hand futher up on to her thigh. No response from her, and she still had that ominous looking smile on her face. It looked like it could be saying "Oh yeah big boy, do me now you sexy thing", or "What does he think he's doing?". I moved it so that it was fully on her thigh now. This was it. No turning back.

I felt her thigh move from under me. Fuck. Her legs are moving... she getting off the bed... ohhhhh fuckshitfuckfuck. She stood at the edge of the bed looking at me for a moment. Then she begun to slide her underwear off. She jumped back into the bed. Under the covers.

A huge rush jolted through my body. This is it. The risks paid off. I did it. I can't believe this is really happening. Of all the things that could have happened right at that moment, I never, ever, would have guessed what would come next.

I heard a tapping noise. I shrugged it off. I had betting thing to focus on. Then I heard it again, louder this time. I looked for a source. It was coming from my window. It was my ex-girlfriend. My ex-girlfriend was knocking at my window, right at the precise moment where my drop dead gorgeous cousin takes her panties off and jumps into my bed. I didn't believe what was happening to me.

Was this a joke? Were the guys from the discussion board right? This was just too unreal. All of it.

My cousin picked her underwear off the floor and started putting it back on before our little visitor could see what was going on. My jaw was still on the floor. This is crazy. I got up and opened the window. Before I could even think of anything to say to my ex, my cousin invited her in.

It turns out that she got in a mood as a result of the breakup and had a fight with her family, who kicked her out. So she showed up here, needing a place to stay. Being the good guy that I am, I offered her a room at my place for the night.

As if fate hadn't already slapped me in the face several times today already, my parents call up and say that they are staying out tonight. So I have the house to myself.

I've already wasted too much time typing this - I don't like to leave those two alone and in the same room, so I have to cut the story off here for tonight.

Thanks for all your advice everyone, I hope I've made your day a little bit more interesting. Mine sure as hell has!