Thread: Random Politics
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Old 11th May 2024, 12:43     #6120
I have to say, as someone who suffers from an illness that can greatly affect energy levels and cognitive capacity - and who is currently having to try to navigate government agencies and support organisations through that - this forced bilingual stuff is a serious issue.

I mean - shoving Maori down my throat is one thing - fine you can make political and moral justification for it - but just from an accessibility point of view, the cognitive load of listing all headings twice or subbing in unfamiliar words is a serious objective issue that complicates and worsens my ability to navigate.

I never said anything about this issue before because its so charged and I CBF with the politics.
But now I see the objective issue with it.

I mean at least in any sane environment, one can simply select their preferred language on a website. If they want to default to Maori, fine - let me change it English if I need to.

But this double listing of things really drains my cognitive energy just a a purely functional level.
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