Thread: Random Politics
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Old 12th March 2024, 17:25     #6075
Government incompetence is a meme and I don't believe it for a second.

Both the former government and the current both had/have considerable competence. The difference is the agenda that's being pursued and how the hurdles to that are overcome.

I think the current government is being very effective at achieving their goals. They've swept away considerable, very necessary reforms with very little blow back. Their donors are going to be thrilled.

The last government had to deal with the same kind of noise from the media. Disingenuous framing of how Labour were approaching housing for instance.

Sure, Luxon getting caught out effectively saying the quiet part out loud in his effort to claim entitlements might seem incompetent. But that's just him doing exactly what he's been elected to do, something he's not struggling with.
Stay shook. No sook.
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