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Old 6th November 2023, 19:57     #36577
Originally Posted by MadMax
Customer asking for help with invoices from our system going into their Xero

They want to change the price on our invoice in Xero to have the price that they'll charge their customer.

That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. That's fucked that Xero allows you to edit our invoice. Stop asking me for help with your Xero
That's screaming bad will. They're 100% using your invoice as justification for their costs to their end customer, like "We have to charge you $500 because our supplier is charging us $500 and we're just passing on the cost" when you're actually charging them $200 and they're fudging the numbers.

Best case they're dishonest, worse case it's outright fraud.
ɹǝʌo sᴉ ǝɯɐƃ ʎɥʇ

Last edited by Cyberbob : 6th November 2023 at 20:00.
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