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Old 29th May 2023, 22:09     #2175
Originally Posted by DrTiTus
*I* don't because I'm not in the women's changing room complaining about men being in there. If women are complaining about [trans]men being in there, I assume it's because there are obvious [non-passing] men in there. In which case, you don't need to be a genius to know who is a male with a long hair and a dress or whatever. I'd like to think you can spot who is who. If it's not obviously a man, I'd guess the women wouldn't be complaining because they wouldn't know either.
Look up cis women being harassed in bathrooms because they express themselves on the masculine side of the gender spectrum e.g. are butch lesbians, or have short hair, or small breasts, or are muscular or just dress or look androgynous. These people aren't obliviously female.

Originally Posted by DrTiTus
I'm not suggesting there needs to be toilet police, I'm just suggesting some of these entitled men stop acting like "their rights" give them an excuse to be in women's spaces where they clearly don't belong and are being told they're not welcome. As I've stated repeatedly, I have no problem allowing anyone in the men's toilets. We're not the ones complaining, or at risk, or whatever. Women don't want men in their spaces, but some of these weirdos are insisting they still go in there despite knowing they're not welcome.
In NZ transwomen do have the right to use the bathroom that matches their gender. And outside of extremist groups like familyfirst and voices for freedom I haven't heard of any problems with this.

Originally Posted by DrTiTus
part of "men are not welcome" do they not understand? I think the confusion stems from people enabling their weird behaviour by telling them that "yes, sir, you are in fact a woman". That's not me doing it, that's you. So you're part of the problem from my perspective. If people acknowledged the reality that men are men, and women are women, this could have been solved already.
We've been over this quite a lot and again the ship has long sailed on this one and unfortunately your view doesn't have much support
Protecting your peace is way more important than proving your point. Some people aren't open to cultivating their views. Just let them be wrong.
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