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Old 11th May 2023, 08:33     #43759
I have detailed files
TIL RF radiation may induce small burn blisters...

So I noticed a small burn like blister on my index finger a few days back - but I can't remember touching anything hot enough to do that.

Then this morning when getting out of the shower I noticed a pin prick bleed at the same spot.

All I can put it down to is a long embedded metal splinter or wire that I hadn't noticed getting aggravated by the MRI I had last week. Surprised that it's the only one.

Those things are bloody loud - and take a looooong time. But, contrary to what my mother questioned in my youth, I do appear to have a brain in my head - and some nasty rust and buggered-beyond-repair disks proving I do have a bad back after all!

Prognosis - I am old. And need to build up my core to support bung bones. And probably need to sit down to cough and sneeze so I don't fall down. So basically a bit happy that I won't be taking up a hospital bed getting fusion done when the chaps are in short supply (although doesn't seem to be a problem going private?). That mecanno set screwed into the 3D prints on his desk gave me the creeps!
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