Thread: Random Politics
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Old 12th July 2022, 19:47     #5700
A mariachi ogre snorkel
Originally Posted by Lightspeed
Hard to say. There are claims of nepotism and corruption, but that sounds like the normal state of affairs. It looks like the accumulation of problems reaching a peak. The country was shaky before the pandemic, which again is fairly normal, but with the pandemic followed by the war in Ukraine, aligning with the specific vulnerabilities of the country, it's just fallen over.
Interesting take from

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa promised in his 2019 election campaign to transition the country's farmers to organic agriculture over a period of 10 years. Last April, Rajapaksa's government made good on that promise, imposing a nationwide ban on the importation and use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and ordering the country's 2 million farmers to go organic.

The result was brutal and swift. Against claims that organic methods can produce comparable yields to conventional farming, domestic rice production fell 20 percent in just the first six months. Sri Lanka, long self-sufficient in rice production, has been forced to import $450 million worth of rice even as domestic prices for this staple of the national diet surged by around 50 percent. The ban also devastated the nation's tea crop, its primary export and source of foreign exchange.
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