Thread: Biden your time
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Old 22nd March 2022, 16:10     #59
Originally Posted by Ab
Yes, that's partly because Putin has been making it that way by manipulating social media and running disinformation campaigns for decades, and anyone who has ever studied the history of Russia knows that's standard operating procedure. It's a tactic invented by Tsarist state security during the Empire that Putin's trying to rebuild.
Which is why I don't pay attention.

The laptop story isn't the significant one. The corruption that exists in the world, with all that it enables, that's what's significant. The laptop story is just a footnote.

While we tolerate it, people are going to keep on exploiting it to try and gain maximum power.

By the time it gets here, it's going to feel like we deserve the serious arse kicking climate change has for us.
Stay shook. No sook.
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