Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 6th October 2021, 23:25     #1738
Originally Posted by Nich
at home testing has been available for more than a year and Australia (NZ too) have banned them at a time when we needed them. They’ve changed their tune in Aus and they will be available next month.
The rapid tests are appropriate for suppression but not for elimination. I'm living in Germany atm and for a period it was required to have a 'schnelltest' to do certain things like go to certain shops or the hairdresser, this still required the test to be done by a third party though so not at home.

Now that NZ is dropping the elimination strategy I expect you'll start to see them.

Also they were ~5euro here initially and only recently dropped to the 1eur range, so testing a family of four before visiting my in-laws got expensive!
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