Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 24th May 2021, 17:29     #1328
Originally Posted by Nich
So is it acceptable yet to talk about how this virus is a lab experiment gone wrong? or is that still considered racist or some shit?
This probably sounds wrong, but does it even matter. The US probably have a lot of worse shit they are experimenting on.
Unless you mean the experiment was to release it under controlled conditions and shit went wrong. That would be a concern.
But the good old racism in people with pick up and call foul.

Even if it was lab based, it is probably a big wakeup call on shit that can happen to humans. Other things came and went and most people probably didnt give a shit - Ebola, bird flu, swine flu.
Maybe society as a whole could thank China for it. Maybe the human race will learn and become better because of it.
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