Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 18th August 2020, 17:19     #1091
Originally Posted by [BT]Monza
So if it didn't work over a hundred years ago then shouldn't even attempt it now? Why not look at points where it failed and work on solutions to fix it, contact tracing app etc.
No, that's not what i'm saying at all. I don't know what to do. I know people are dumb and will falter, this will then raise the risk of increased infections. Isolating people is a zero sum game. As this latest cluster has shown in NZ and also in Melbourne. From what i understand the main cause of the outbreak in Melbourne is the result in failings of those in the quarantine hotel.

What will NZ do if there are more clusters in a month or two's time? Lock down again? Then what? carry on until the next cluster?

One thing i have learned within my industry is that cancer diagnosis is down 40% and radiology nurses in private clinics are losing their jobs because business is down. A lot of people simply aren't going to the doctor anymore.

For me personally, i'm pretty anxious as our whanau moved over to QLD 13 months ago and we don't have any support if things go pear shaped and one of us get sick.
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