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Old 1st April 2019, 13:34     #1
A mariachi ogre snorkel
Labour plans review of hate speech legislation


Little said he had asked the Justice Ministry to look at relevant aspects of the Human Rights Act, the Harmful Digital Communications Act, and sections of the Crimes Act to see what laws needed to be changed or added.

"I certainly think that the laws dealing with what we call 'hate speech', and human rights law, are woefully inadequate," Little said.

"Since the events of March 15, we are more conscious of the impact of what we are seeing and we need to do better."

Justice Minister Andrew Little says the laws dealing with hate speech and human rights law, are "woefully inadequate".

The tolerance for what had been considered acceptable had been too high, he said. Ethnic minorities needed to not only be accepted, but embraced and welcomed.

"It's timely to make sure that for those who would want to hurt others - even through words - that we can curtail that."
No. No. A thousand times no. Fuck you in the fucking ear. You fucking fuckers.
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