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Old 23rd May 2018, 17:58     #401
The whole thing is just bullshit theatre. Our politics don't seem to allow us to approach these hard problems honestly. We've either got National's dishonest "there's no problem" or Labour's dishonest "this is a problem we can fix this year".

We can fix it, but any solution would take a generation at least, but only if people making bank on houses were willing to give up that cash cow, many of whom are politicians, or support them.

As I see it the first step is raising children with the ability and willingness to enter the building industry. At the moment too many kids are going to jail, hospital or the morgue instead of going to work. Importing labour only escalates the problem.

While that's going on we work on issues of land supply and infrastructure to support higher population density.

But as soon as we approach these problems, so quickly we'll hear the Mark Robertsons, Mike Hoskings or whoever crying about how they can come up with this fringe case or that where someone will miss out. Indifferent of course to the volume of people already missing out.

Partisanship is another part of the problem. For some it's only shameful that National denied the problem or that Labour made out they could solve it.
Stay shook. No sook.
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