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Old 1st November 2017, 00:39     #47
Just in case you chucked your toys in a rampant case of 'WAAAAAAAH' I'll address the concerns in your previous post...

- I stopped posting for the exact reasons I outlined. So rampant fucktard postings in a general discussion forum mean people thinking general discussion is just that, and not shit-posts, is fine? OK.

-Hey Abaddon, you reckon this forum is a gathering of mostly white privilaged dudes? I sure think it is.

-hey zoso, where did I post anything on labour policy till the other day, when I hoped they'd push hard on homelessness. Can you put up a few defenses on the 'changing the water quality levels' or ' theres no housings problem' ? Or the Barclay debarcle, or... or... or...

-hah, more numbers on the other side eh. Yeah in the louder members (Blue tears) in here.

-Decay? Yeah, you want a refresh on the ' what a shit place NZG is now' thread from 2013? It's an easy find as its my last post from that time till now (not that I started it).

I do love the comical and predictable - yeah riiiight. You extrapolated I'd come out and fucken smash you in here? Doubt it.

But please either defend national or... I dunno whine about the coalition?? Forgetting the last coalition... or something.
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