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Old 7th June 2017, 17:15     #85
Stunt Pants
Key Derangement Syndrome lives on

The whole time that Key was PM, Labour's strategy was "Get Key". It never worked. He kept winning elections and he left on his own terms, and still as a winner. "Get Key" as a strategy never worked.

Incredibly, now that Key is out of the picture, Labour is still mindlessly pursuing the "Get Key" strategy. What's the point? Does Labour really think that will get them votes? Or do they genuinely believe that looking bitter is the image they need to promote for the party?

It's funny in a way, but really it's kinda sad that people can't get over things.
I just want to understand this, sir. Every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the owner?
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