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Old 30th January 2017, 19:58     #134
True, people are incensed by the news feeds. I wonder if you replaced Trump with Obama in these news stories would people still be outraged by every single news event.

On the flip side to Trump following through with his promises, people are fighting him every step of the way, like they said they would. To me, the action and reaction is very encouraging. If the establishment crumbles, and is rebuilt better and more democratically post-Trump, then we really should be thanking him for being brave enough to set the torch to the whole mess and thus turning slacktivism into in-your-face action.

Another positive: his actions are making people around the world turn to their leaders and see how they react to US events, whether they approve or disapprove. So far Malcolm Turnbull is a little disappointing as he shows support for the immigration ban, as is Bill English and his silence.
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