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Old 29th January 2017, 13:58     #129
[Malks] Pixie
Originally Posted by MadMax
so, could you say that they went from portraying him as a monkey to something else post 9/11? I'm welcome to an education. Noone is doubting your knowledge on the matter.
Look I just don't know where you're getting this idea that all media portrayed Bush as a chump - pretty certain a number of major news networks were very supportive of him (like, Fox at least, perhaps?).
This is a very simple article that outlines specifically how the US media collapsed and basically kowtowed to US government and advertising industries.
I'd also recommend watching Buying the War (Bill Moyers) which is a available free online.

Originally Posted by MadMax
I distinctly remember a change in how he was put on the screen. Never before had he been shown to be making jokes especially.
And herein lies the problem. You've been making gross generalisations about how all media behave based on a mentally small sample size blurred by a decade or more and skewed to whatever biases you happen to have.
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