Thread: Random Politics
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Old 13th April 2016, 16:31     #3681
Stunt Pants
The chart of doom for Andrew Little

David Farrar has posted the chart of doom:

Those are the preferred Prime Minister ratings of the last four Labour leaders. It is rather telling.

Andrew Little is now on a par with the worst years of Phil Goff and certainly worse than David Cunliffe (who was dreadful) and well under the lofty heights gained by David Shearer.

There is something interesting though, in election years the leader gets a boost. Phil Goff rose to the levels of David Shearer in the 2011 election and David Cunliffe rose to 14% in the 2014 election.

Andrew Little though starts below where Goff was and even Cunliffe in the lead up to the election, but crucially an election is only worth 6-8% boost in popularity, and not enough to win the treasury benches.


I just want to understand this, sir. Every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the owner?
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