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Old 2nd February 2016, 23:01     #49
Stunt Pants
Here's something to consider:

1. Labour can only tell us where the money for the first year of this plan is coming from.

2. They still need to find $935,000,000 by 2025. That equates to 37.4 flag referendums.

3. This assumes they will win four terms in office starting in 2017. Only one Labour government (the first, for 14 years) has ever lasted four terms. Most lasted just one term, except Lange’s (two terms) and Clark’s (three terms).

4. These numbers are based on current student numbers. It makes no allowance for more people wanting to study because it is free. A quick look at other free policies, like the Gold Card and Interest-Free Student loans, shows a massive blow out in costs.

5. Tertiary fees have gone up 37% since 2008. How much higher will they be in 2025 when Labour is writing a blank cheque?

6. The amount of money we are talking about can only be paid for by massive tax increases.
Remember, don't criticise the person.
I just want to understand this, sir. Every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the owner?
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