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Old 18th February 2015, 23:38     #223
Thumbs down

Originally Posted by Farmer Joe
I couldn't give a flying fuck about Labour but this isn't even news worthy... OMG an invoice wasn't paid! Big fucking deal.
It might be a big meh to people with no integrity, appreciation of how the real world works, and basic understanding of people's moral rights -- which probably fits both you and fixed_shit like a glove. But for normal people, getting someone to do a job for you and knowingly stiffing them for payments for months just isn't on. I for one have come close to dismissing (and have given a final warning) to someone who reports to me that repeatedly failed to pay invoices rendered by people who did work for my employer on time. And this guy was, as a result of a fair and balanced investigation conducted by other people, merely LAZY. He wasn't repeatedly told that our company owed people money, like Little and his lackeys were. Little has already admitted that he knew the guy wasn't paid by January and only paid up on Tuesday and then there are his lackeys' conduct.

And before anyone screams "fucking right wing nutjob", I abstained last election and will never vote for National whilst Judith Collins and Ann Tolley are remotely connected to it. But it's really nice of Andrew Littlecunt to confirm for me that I need not bother consider voting for him and Labour either.

Shame, Andrew.

Last edited by cyc : 18th February 2015 at 23:42.
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