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Old 6th November 2014, 14:02     #14803
I haven't had "two days" of full heavy use - that's a bit of a stretch, if you play games on the Z3 it will drop the battery but everything else is pretty damn impressive. For me, with a gimmicky live background, Google Now always going, excessive Hangouts chatting, Instagram, Facebook, Peggle every now andthen, everything always on 24/7 (wifi searching etc) I get about 1.8 days of solid use before I need to charge.

The percentage drops rapidly from 100 to 90, then slows down in the 80s, and then crawls at 30 and below so the percentage isn't really a good indicator of the battery life I've found, however it does have you an estimated time left indicator which seems much more accurate.

To put it in perspective, I couldn't have a live wallpaper or Google Now on with my S3 because it would go flat in half a day, if that. So now I get the luxury of having a heap of shit on my phone and not even caring about battery life.

The phone feels fucking sexy to hold, too. The glass back is a stupid idea in terms of slipperiness, but goddamn it feels great to pick up and hold. Everything is so damn fast on the phone too.

Best of all? NO VODAFONE.

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