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Old 19th September 2014, 14:01     #3760
Originally Posted by CCS
I'm not sure where you got the idea that I'm saying that. It's like you're taking a single facet of one of my posts and exaggerating it to the far end of the spectrum.
Because I responded with some detail about the 3 areas originally proposed. One of which was no new coal mines being opened. I agreed with this is what needs to happen. We need to keep the coal in the ground to avoid catastrophic climate change in the future.

You replied:
And those are the reasons why Greens would fuck those areas of the economy.
With no further detail.

Later you added:
Greens aren't exactly known for being pro-mining, are they? Or am I wrong about that? Are they secretly supporters of mining?
So from that I concluded that you thought stopping new coal mines would "fuck the economy". Are you able to elaborate on that if I misunderstood?
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