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Old 17th December 2013, 18:17     #31
Originally Posted by IoriDyson
I think its sad that no matter the response the government flat out refuses to even take it into account, after all its the people they are supposed to be representing. This third public showing of complete disregard for public opinion (gcsb + off shore drilling) may have repercussions for Nationals next election result. Or not...

Gah, both National and Labour are really poor representatives in the end. Voting for the lesser of 2 evils is always a drag as its gonna be a bit shit regardless of who wins.

Hey Ab, tone it down mate.
the way i would look at it, and the way the govt seems to be looking at it, is like this-

1. the only people who are going to vote in this are people who really care.
2. 40% of people care.
3. of those people who really care, 70% of them are against it
4. so thats like.... 30% of people who are opposed enough about this issue to bother posting a letter.
5. my math is very rough.

Of course they are dismissing it. its a fail. i was surprised as fuck that it got any people who dont oppose it to vote even, i was expecting such a self selecting poll to be like 90% against it. i was not surprised at the low turnout.
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