Thread: Roast Busters
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Old 10th November 2013, 21:29     #90
Golden Teapot
Love, Actuary
Originally Posted by Jodi
Ah, GT:

1) False. Teenagers CANNOT understand the possible consequences in the very specific and simple situation here. Because they are not adults. This has been proven by science (peer reviewed articles, multiple studies, etcetc). This is where your argument fails.
Your argument is a strong one - a teen can't understand something because they're not an adult; this is the stuff of any of the major journals right here.

Let have these studies of yours out on the table. The nature of science and especially in this type of domain is that there are arguments for and against. Lets see both sides. I see only two major problems you'll have doing this though: First, getting articles for this very specific scenario won't be possible - I'll settle for something materially similar though, and second finding articles for the positive side of the scenario will be very difficult since so few who are neutral or enjoying themselves will come forward to be studied; its a bit like doing a piece on incest - it's easy to find victims and neigh on impossible to find those enjoying themselves.

Still go for it - you're implicitly claiming you can do something balanced here and I'm happy to see you do so. I personally think you've about a googolminex chance of succeeding but lets see all the same.
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