Thread: ACC clusterfuck
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Old 11th June 2012, 11:45     #9
The LOLs keep coming

Caught out stone cold lying in relation to the so called "threat" issue and for telling another lie to Pullar.

She and her friend Michelle Boag, a former National Party president who has supported her throughout the wrangle, hit out at claims by the corporation that Ms Pullar had threatened to use the private information of almost 7000 ACC claimants to help further her own ACC claim.

The information was accidentally emailed to Ms Pullar last August by the corporation.

In a meeting held four months later, ACC staff accused Ms Pullar of trying to use the information as leverage for financial gain.

But Ms Pullar - who attended the meeting with Ms Boag as her support person - secretly taped the encounter.

Last night, TV3's 60 Minutes interviewed Ms Pullar and played part of the recording showing she made no such threat. The link between the accidentally released information and its possible use by Ms Pullar in the media was made by one of two ACC staff members in the meeting.

"The fact is the meeting was totally about getting Bronwyn back to work,'' Ms Boag told TV3. "It was nothing to do with [getting more money from] ACC.''
There's no way that TV3 would be dumb enough to air Pullar's story and to suggest that there was no threat made unless the whole tape was that way. Time for to cops to investigate and hopefully charge the ACC people involved for making a false complaint. This revelation and the continuing lack of action in terms of a clean out of ACC is just shameful.
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