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Old 27th January 2012, 01:24     #11412
quick straya day (cunt) song to squeeze in just before days end

on the topic of straya day, I got up at 5am, packed my car with 17x9s shod in R888 semi slicks, packed my race suit and shoes, some tools, some gatorades and food/snacks and made my way south to goulburn. On the way, due to thermal expansion, when we stopped at mcdonalds for brekkie I lost two turbo nuts and a third started to back out. My car developed a massive exhaust leak which resulted in it perfectly living up to the claim that 'SR20s sound like truck engines'

Sorted that quickly with a trip to supercheap auto, then hit the track. Had a great day and lots of fun in torrential rain whilst out on the circuit. Wakefield park easily slots in at number two for my top 3 tracks, besting manfield but not quite as enjoyable as the success in 'clicking' at taupo and working out that demanding track.
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