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Old 24th January 2012, 13:55     #33518
Stephen Fry says there's no such thing as a "sugar high", so that's good enough for me:
Who gets overexcited by sugary drinks?
Parents. There isn’t a shred of scientific evidence that children become “hyperactive” when given sugary drinks, sweets or snacks.
In one test, a group of children were all given the same sugar-rich drink, but the parents of half the sample were told they’d been given a sugar-free drink. When questioned afterwards, the parents who thought their children hadn’t had any sugar (even though they had) reported far less hyperactive behaviour. In another study, some children were put on high-sugar diets and others sugar-free ones. No difference in behaviour was observed.
No one has ever come up with a decent theory to explain exactly how sugar might make youngsters hyperactive. If high blood-sugar levels were the cause, they’d be more likely to go ballistic after a bowl of rice.
In the 19th century, moralising Victorians attributed “degeneracy and idleness” in the Irish to the supposed soporific effect of the potato. .
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