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Old 6th December 2011, 16:32     #1
A mariachi ogre snorkel
Union action, fuck yeah

Comin again to cost the motherfuckin jobs yeah!

Ports of Auckland, in the midst of strike disruptions, will lose almost $20 million of annual revenue after Maersk, the biggest shipper visiting New Zealand, switched one of its services to Port of Tauranga.

The loss of Maersk's Southern Star container service amounts to 52 ship calls, or 82,500 containers a year, Ports of Auckland chief executive Tony Gibson said in a statement. The industrial action at Auckland played a part in the decision, Maersk's New Zealand marketing manager Dave Gulik said in a separate statement.

"The security of their supply chain is of primary importance to our customers, so anything affecting that, or likely to affect that in the future, will come into the equation when we are deciding schedules," Gulik said.
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