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Old 18th November 2011, 19:35     #140
Originally Posted by cyc
Oh going into racial/ethnic stuff, are we? Typical low life left shit.
F_T's statement was racist. How is his statement in any way related to his political views? Or do you think racism is only prevalent on the left?

This is like a stone throwing contest taking place in a glass house considering all the transphobia/homophobia/sexism that goes unchecked on this forum.


Obviously it was intentional.

Key has handled this horribly. If the rumours about what's on them are true his response to this drama will probably impact his campaign more than their contents. Lesson for him: Say the same things in private that you say in public.

His claim that going to the police is a principled stance is incredibly hypocritical considering the search and surveillance laws that his government has pushed. Apparently making secret recordings is OK if it'll lead to an arrest but it's not OK if it makes politics more transparent.

The only reason to keep the contents of these recordings quiet is if they could negatively impact his campaign, making them of public interest, therefore they should be released.

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