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Old 23rd October 2011, 10:53     #6
Tbh I can't see the Replicant making it all the way through. Sounds like it's going to be far too hard to balance right. The way it is at the moment you can replicate an SCV, make an Orbital and get Mules o_O Being able to grab things like Siege tanks, Banshees or even Vipers sounds quite powerful.

The Shredder looks completely ridiculous. Seeing their example on Metal where they had 2 of them and slew of lings got absolutely minced... seems to me like it'll do the opposite of what they want it to do.

New Zerg units look pretty cool, only thing I'm worried about is Vipers snatching my Colossi and the game ending right there. Burrow move blings is kinda interesting too. Sounds like it should be pretty op, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Looking forward to the Tempest, but annoyed at the Oracle. Blizz said they want a harrass unit which doesn't actually kill workers, but other races get harrass units which mutilate workers? I guess so long as it's meaty enough and fast it'll be alright, but I'm still not really sold on it.
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