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Old 15th July 2011, 18:56     #74
Originally Posted by Deadmeat
Fair enough, I should have made it clear I was asking whether they had an argument against a CGT in general.
Yeah but this way of approaching the issue is dangerous. We already KNOW that National is irrationally and ideologically against any CGT. Most sensible people and recognised experts in the relevant areas agree that a CGT in some form is necessary. As such, if you care about the economy and the like, the thing to do (all else being equal)* is to support someone who will implement a CGT. Then the issue becomes whether the CGT proposed as part of the overall tax package, of which any tax is always but one part, makes any sense. In that sense, I am afraid Labour's overall tax package is a disaster.

* In my case, I don't consider all else being equal but Labour has at least gone from having zero shot of getting my vote to actually getting some consideration after the recent announcement. Their willingness to implement a CGT is a worthy point of difference but won't be enough to swing my vote, especially based on the current package.
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