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Old 25th June 2011, 16:48     #31
Stunt Pants
The funny thing is Thompson thinks he can dictate when the camera is on or off. Fact is, he isn't in charge of the camera and if the camera op or the interviewer want it on - it stays on.

Originally Posted by Vrtigo
come on, really? he kept trying to explain the reasons behind his (awfully delivered) comment, and all 3 wanted was to corner him into giving an awesome soundbite that would give them ratings.
It seemed to me that he was doing two things. The first is that he was still trying to explain and justify why he had said the things that he had already apologised for. Digging a deeper hole. Durr.
The other thing he was doing is that he was actually trying to offer up soundbites. He would start to say something, stop, go back and rephrase it. He wasn't being cornered into anything - he wanted to deliver what he considered perfect soundbites.

Of course the journalist was pushing his buttons. She saw him as defending a weak position and she went for it. Probably that was her intention from the beginning but so what? He should've been smarter.
I just want to understand this, sir. Every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the owner?
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