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Old 14th June 2011, 16:35     #68
Originally Posted by Ab
Oh boo fucking hoo.
Certainly, you're entitled to your opinion that National shouldn't have disclosed to Labour that their donors financial transactions where public . I hope that you'll be consistent the next time Labour pulls one of these tricks.
Originally Posted by Ab
If Labour's doing something fucking retarded that reveals to the world that they shouldn't be trusted to organise a lolly scramble let alone run the country, and National finds out about it, National is under no obligation whatsoever to tell Labour about it or help them fix it.
I see, it's Labour's MPs that are responsible for this rather than the IT security dude. Cool, glad my original question is answered.
Protecting your peace is way more important than proving your point. Some people aren't open to cultivating their views. Just let them be wrong.
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